
Showing posts from January, 2019

H/W - Apply 3 theories to a TV show

3 Theories - Star Trek: The Next Generation The three media theories are used in Star Trek: The Next Generation in the sense that in each episode, there is a battle between the crew of the Enterprise and an evil kind such as the Borg and the goodies try to defeat the baddie because they are the opposite of each other. 

Types of Documentaries

Types of Documentaries Poetic =  This mode will seem more suggestive and use 'associative' editing to capture a mood or tone rather than make an explicit argument about the subject. Evoking a mood rather than stating or asserting things directly. Occasionally, you may question whether you are indeed watching a 'documentary'. An example would be  Rain (1929) , where there is a continual switch from rain falling on the ground to the public's reaction to the rain. Expository =  These documentaries use explicitly rhetorical techniques in order to make points about aspects of actuality. This mode often uses voiceover and has a relatively straightforward 'show and tell' structure to guide the viewer through the material. Many documentaries follow this template (especially TV documentaries) where the voiceover provides the connection, the logic, between what might be different shots. An example would be  the BBC's Blue Planet II (2017) , where David Attenb...

Connotations of movie poster

Technical Codes Creepy font of the title could frighten the audience The different colour wands may distinguish between good and evil Cobbled roads will frighten the audience because it’s set in a public place where ‘normal’ people go Black jacket suggests villainous character and denotes darkness. Weapon suggests the villain is out to kill all Wands relate to magic Different colour jackets of most characters suggest they’re not allies Distraught faces suggest bereavement or loss White background suggests limbo or afterlife Framing suggests it is set in vintage times Eiffel Tower connotes it is   set in Paris, around the industrial revolution What is representation? Representation is the use of signs to communicate something to the audience.  Reality - Mediation - Representation of Reality Semiotics = The study of signs. How we make meaning through the creation and interpretation of signs. Signs can be words, images, sounds, odours,...