Target Audience

Target Audience = Research

Primary Research = Surveys, observation, panels, interviews
Secondary Research = Books, newsletters, newspapers & magazines, pamphlets

Reliable = Repeatable
  • Same answer every time
  • Several people give their opinion
Valid = Believable?
  • Is this source valid?
  • Are they a reliable person?
Internal Validity
  • Murder photos
  • Focus group
  • very upsetting
  • Photo can have a very good internal validity
External Validity
  • History exam cramming in last minute revision or over several weeks
  • All this research has an external validity e.g. can be applied to French revision
Relation to My Own Advert

In relation to my own advert, to create two of my print adverts, I used inspiration from two print adverts that had been created by Costa and Starbucks. This is internal validity because it is an image that has inspired an audience to go and buy coffee in either of these chain coffee shops.


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