Advertising Techniques

Advertising Techniques
  • Avante Garde = This makes the audience think by having this product that they are ahead of the times. For example, a company may get a very current and popular celebrity to advertise their product because then, the audience will know it is very popular in the current market.
  • Weasel Words = These words are used to imply something positive but it is actually negative. For example, people might advertise a product that has worked for them.
  • Magic Ingredients = When it is suggested that a miraculous discovery makes a product extremely effective. For example, a pharmacist finds a tablet to cure eczema so that cream is no longer needed.
  • Transfer = The use of positive words, images and ideas to convey that the product being sold is also positive. For example, a textile manufacturer may use words such as "trendy" to describe their clothes.
  • Plain Folk = When it is suggested the product can be used by ordinary people. For example, a normal family may sit down and enjoy a coffee.
  • Snob Appeal = When it is suggested that the use of this product makes the customer part of a select group who lead a luxurious and glamourous lifestyle. For example, a person buying a coffee could be wearing formal clothes in a formal setting
  • Bribery = This offers something extra such as Buy One Get One Free
  • Bandwagon = When it's suggested you should join the crowd by using the product and you don't want to be left out!!


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