What is a press release?

About My Press Release!

My Press Release!

After receiving this assignment, I conducted some research into what a press release is and I looked at examples of different press releases. A press release is a statement given to the press about a breaking news story or about a person. These are two examples of press releases, which are seen to be very concise and bold and use bold colours and logos, which help attract the audience's attention.

Image result for press releasesImage result for press releases

In creating my press release, I began with a strong quote, "This Is Me". This would help attract my audience and also, it helped me sum up the whole topic of my press release as I'm describing who I am and my character. I made the title a bold colour of blue. Blue has connotations of piece and harmony and being bold can give connotations of happiness so it can heavily emphasize my character.

As I am presenting this press release to a group of young people, the language and the way I speak to them was very important when creating this press release. Examples of this would be by me explaining how I like to learn and what I want to do in the future in the hope that I would be able to relate to someone in my audience.

A friend who listened to my speech said that he found it "very interesting" and he found the most revealing thing about me to be my "willingness to work with other people and how blunt I am". In consolidation of his feedback, I believe that my press release was successful in representing me as a friendly person.


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